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Quotes from critics and curators


“…Huff’s art entranced the editors with its beauty…”

National Geographic

“Final Cut: Far-out Visions”, National Geographic, May 2005


“Ken Huff creates stunning organic objects that look suspiciously familiar but are in fact things we have never seen. They suggest a wholly different space with a unique scale of time.”

Dena Elisabeth Eber, Associate Professor and Chair, Digital Arts
School of Art, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio

“Spacetime in Threading Time: The SIGGAPH 2005 Art Gallery, Los Angeles, California”, Dena Elisabeth Eber, intelligent agent, Vol. 5, Issue 1, 2005


“Ken Huff is one of the most consistently interesting digital painters around…he knows the field of digital and nondigital art inside out and works as intensely as any “real paint” painter. .... [He] would make the perfect case study for someone researching the possibility of a purely digital artist…his images are instantly recognizable…obsessive attention to detail…”

James Faure Walker, Author
Painting the Digital River

Painting the Digital River, James Faure Walker, Prentice Hall, January 2006.


“…what I enjoyed most about the conference was listening to Ken Huff’s enlightening presentation into his digital world. Truly very inspiring and creative process. Ken’s work…[approaches] art on a new level that is very exciting. It was a reminder of the value of art and creativity in my own life.”

Sarah Rishel, Board Vice Chair
National Association of Independent Artists

“Largest Attendance Yet for the NAIA Director Conference”, edited by Don Ament, National Association of Independent Artists Newsletter, Vol. 8, No. 2, Fall 2003


“Huff may work in digital media, but he’s no mere pixel-pusher; Huff is a certified artist — and a fine one, at that.”

Jason Budjinski, Critic
New Times Broward/Palm Beach

“Bio Art: Organics are best”, Jason Budjinski, New Times Broward/Palm Beach, 25 August 2005


“…[Huff’s] work is evocative of an unusual and unique imaginary space.”

Joseph Nalven and JD Jarvis, Authors
Going Digital: The Practice and Vision of Digital Artists

Going Digital: The Practice and Vision of Digital Artists, Joseph Nalven and JD Jarvis, Thomson Course Technology, August 2005.


“Some of the most amazing applications of…technologies at SIGGRAPH can be found at the digital art gallery section of the confab. The abstract, organic…work of artist Kenneth A. Huff is a natural for this annual gallery.”

Ramin Zahed, Editor
Animation Magazine

“Tricks of the trade: a VFX round-up—The joy of six”, Ramin Zahed, Animation Magazine, September 2004


“Kenneth Huff pushed the capability of high-end digital tools, such as PowerAnimator and Maya running on an SGI workstation, to portray basic shapes that resemble the random yet structured beauty of nature.”

Computer Graphics World

“25 Year Retrospective: Part 1 Digital Art”, Computer Graphics World, January 2002

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